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Morpheme UI is constantly evolving, with new features being added all the time.

In roadmap below are the major expected features that are coming soon with Morpheme UI.

MilestoneExpected dateNotesDescription
create-morpheme-appReleased at Jan, 10 2023LinkCLI for generating app with Vue/Nuxt + Morpheme UI
Themes: Dark ModeReleased at Jan, 17 2023LinkDark mode themes
New Starter: Morpheme AdminPre-release at Jan, 17 2023LinkFull featured Admin panel with Morpheme UI
New Starter: Morpheme CommercePostponedHoldFull featured E-Commerce application with Morpheme UI
New Starter: LandingPostponedTBDFull featured landing page application application with Morpheme UI
New Starter: BlogPostponedTBDFull featured blog application with Morpheme UI
Themes: MorphemeReleased on May 30 (v1.0.0-beta.9)LinkDefault styles v2 based on Morpheme Design System
Morpheme UI BlocksPre-release at June 30LinkCollection of Tailwind + Morpheme UI ready-to-use components like Hero, CTA, etc