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Quick Start


GITS UI is now Morpheme UI. Check out migration guide here.

There are several ways to get started with Morpheme UI:

  • Via Morpheme CLI (recommended)
  • Via Online Playground
  • Manual Setup

Try It Online

You can try Morpheme UI directly in your browser on Stackblitz.

Via Morpheme CLI

The fastest way to get started with Morpheme UI is through our Morpheme CLI called create-morpheme-app. With this CLI, you create your project quickly with pre-made templates and even choose which module to add to your project.

To get started with Morpheme CLI, run this command in the terminal:

pnpx create-morpheme-app@latest
pnpx create-morpheme-app@latest
npx create-morpheme-app@latest
npx create-morpheme-app@latest
yarn create morpheme-app@latest
yarn create morpheme-app@latest
bunx create-morpheme-app@latest
bunx create-morpheme-app@latest

Then, choose your prefered starter template or choose Custom to customize the module you want to add.


Check out these starters to get you started quickly.