This component provides a customizable input field with additional features like prepend/append icons, clearable input, custom label, error message display, and more. It can also be transformed into a select box with options if required.
Here are the properties that you can pass to the Input component:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
modelValue | String, Number | '' | The value of the input field. |
type | String | 'text' | Specifies the type of input (text , password , etc.). |
name | String | '' | Name attribute for the input. |
error | Boolean | false | If true , the input will be highlighted with an error state. |
readonly | Boolean | false | Read-only mode for the input. |
disabled | Boolean | false | If true , the input will be disabled. |
size | 'sm', 'md', 'lg' | 'md' | Size of the input. |
placeholder | String | '' | Placeholder text for the input. |
prependIcon | String | '' | Icon to prepend to the input. |
appendIcon | String | '' | Icon to append to the input. |
color | String | 'default' | Color scheme of the input. |
shadow | Boolean | false | If true , the input will have a shadow. |
label | String | '' | Label text for the input. |
id | String | '' | ID attribute for the input. |
...Class | String | Various defaults | Classes for various parts of the component. |
...IconSize | IconSize | 'md' | Size of various icons used in the component. |
clearable | Boolean | false | If true , a clear icon will appear when there's input. |
clearableIcon | String | 'ri:close-line' | Icon used for the clear button. |
rounded | Boolean | false | Rounded corners for the input. |
hideError | Boolean | false | If true , error messages will be hidden. |
hint | String | '' | Hint or help text for the input. |
borderless | Boolean | false | If true , the input will have no border. |
noRing | Boolean | false | If true , the input won't have a focus ring. |
errorMessage | String | '' | Custom error message to display. |
as | String | 'input' | Determines if the component acts as an 'input' or 'select'. |
options | Array of Option | [] | Options for the select box (if as is set to 'select'). |
Event | Payload | Description |
update:modelValue | value: string/number | Emitted when the input value changes. |
clickPrepend | Emitted when the prepend area is clicked. | |
clickPrependIcon | Emitted when the prepend icon is clicked. | |
clickAppend | Emitted when the append area is clicked. | |
clickAppendIcon | Emitted when the append icon is clicked. | |
clear | Emitted when the input is cleared using the clearable button. |
Slot | Description |
default | Default slot for additional content. |
label | Custom label content. |
prepend | Custom content for the prepend section. |
prepend.outer | Custom content outside the prepend section. |
append | Custom content for the append section. |
append.outer | Custom content outside the append section. |
clearable | Custom content for the clearable section. |
hint | Custom hint or help text. |
error | Custom error message. |
Method | Description |
focus | Focuses the input component. |
<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue';
import {Input} from '@morpheme/forms';
const value = ref();
<Input v-model="someValue" label="My Input" placeholder="Enter some value" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue';
import {Input} from '@morpheme/forms';
const value = ref();
<Input v-model="someValue" label="My Input" placeholder="Enter some value" />
This is a brief documentation for the Input component. For more advanced scenarios, you can check the component code to understand the full capabilities and functionalities it offers.