Quill Editor
is a rich text editor that allows users to add formatting and content to text documents. It is based on the Quill.js library and is designed to be easy to use and customize.
To use the VQuillEditor
component in your Vue.js application, you will need to have the @morpheme/ui
package installed. The VQuillEditor
component is registered globally when you install the package, so you don't need to import it manually.
Basic Usage
The most basic usage of the VQuillEditor
component is to add it to a template and bind it to a value variable using the v-model
directive. The value variable will contain the text entered into the editor.
You can add a label to the VQuillEditor
component by using the label
prop. The label will be displayed above the editor and can be used to provide context or instruction for the user.
The VQuillEditor
component can be used with the vee-validate
library to perform form validation. To do this, you will need to define a validation schema using yup and pass it to the useForm
hook from vee-validate
. You can then use the handleSubmit
function from the hook to handle form submissions.
Initial Values
You can set initial values for the form fields by passing an initialValues
object to the useForm
hook. The object should have keys that match the names of the form fields, and the values will be used as the default values for those fields.
Initial Errors
You can also set initial errors for the form fields by passing an initialErrors
object to the useForm
hook. The object should have keys that match the names of the form fields, and the values will be used as the default error messages for those fields.
The VQuillEditor
component includes a toolbar that allows users to apply formatting to the text in the editor. By default, the toolbar includes the most commonly used formatting options, such as bold, italic, and underline.
You can customize the toolbar by using the toolbar prop. There are three built-in toolbar options: default, minimal, and full.
: The default toolbar includes the most commonly used formatting options.minimal
: The minimal toolbar includes only the most essential formatting options.full
: The full toolbar includes all available formatting options.
Name | Type | Default |
modelValue | string | Delta | '' |
value | string | Delta | '' |
name | string | undefined |
label | string | undefined |
toolbar | 'essential' | 'minimal' | 'full' | '' | essential |
rules | string | Record<string, any> | undefined |
contentType | 'html' | 'text' | 'delta' | 'html' |
enable | boolean | true |
readOnly | boolean | false |
labelClass | string | 'block mb-2 font-medium' |
errorClass | string | 'text-sm mt-1 text-error-500' |
hint | String | '' |
hideError | Boolean | false |
CSS Variables
Standalone Installation
You can also install the QuillEditor
component individually via @morpheme/quill-editor
yarn install @morpheme/quill-editor
yarn install @morpheme/quill-editor
<script setup lang="ts">
import VQuillEditor from '@morpheme/quill-editor';
<VQuillEditor />
<script setup lang="ts">
import VQuillEditor from '@morpheme/quill-editor';
<VQuillEditor />
View Storybook documentation here.